Random musings of a complete psychopath.
What do shoes say about a man? To your average man, they are nothing more than a comfortable way to get from point A to point B. Shoes are versatile and serve many purposes. Average people do not seem to notice or care about the fashion statement that shoes make. A well-cultured man is not an average man and this should be reflected in his wardrobe. Shoes mean so much more than a means of comfort, they can define a man. A man does not wear a suit with sneakers because a suite is not meant to go with sneakers; moreover, a man does not wear casual clothes with square-toed pennies. It simply sends the signal of bad taste or a complete lack of understanding how an outfit is put together.
The right kind of shoe can say so much about a person and conversely, the wrong kind of shoe can do exactly the same thing. There are essential shoes of every man’s wardrobe. Every man must have dress shoes, fashionable run-around shoes and then the athletic shoes. Every man must have these three pairs of shoes to be the basis of a simple but respectable wardrobe. I believe whole heartedly that fashion starts from the ground up.
See my picks after the jump
The term “Cougar” has become more popular as of recent due to the movie Oceans 13, but it has been around for quite a while- as older women seek younger men. The fact of the matter is, so far as sexual maturity is concerned, the “theory” (or the supposed “science”) is that women are in their sexual prime much later than men, though obviously their childbearing years are much earlier. Men are supposed to be at their prime in their mid-20s, whereas women at their 30s+, and so-on.
How about starting off by not referring to older women that date younger men as cougars..it is sexist and rude. Are you aware that there is no equivalent name for men that date younger women. This labeling is yet another attempt to control female sexuality and construct women as less than. As the question about age and dating but it can be done without resorting to demeaning labels.The term "cougar" has been around for what seems like decades. The earliest known cougar in my mind is the woman who played the dean's wife in "Animal House." I don't know if the term was used outright, but the woman almost seems empowered by her ability to seduce a young college student.