So this morning I did my daily workout and I saw the most bizarre thing that has ever been shown on cable television. I was running(?) on the elliptical machine listening to the Vitamin String Quartet when I gazed at the TV for a moment and saw a show that escaped any sort of comprehension that I could muster. It wasn't a pleasant experience for me because I had my i pod playing and there was that half-assed closed captioning that is always 20 seconds behind on the dialogue so I had no idea who was speaking and I honestly could not pull together some figment of a plot. From my observations I can say that there were two separate groups of protagonists. One, was a human who befriended a rather eccentric but dapper looking hybrid between Satan and Frankenstein. The other group consists of these to scientists/archaeologists and a slutty version of princess Zelda. The scientists are reading some type of old tome full of made up words that they are trying to discifer. The princess is then taken hostage by demonic disciples where she will most certainly be violated many times over. Meanwhile, the guy with his Satanstein buddy end up in a village full of people that look like Satanstein but are kind like an ogre mixed with a viking, a Vogreking. I looked down because I was no longer enthralled by this madness and lost myself once again in the music playing in my headphones. Ten minutes pass and the guy is still in the village with the Vogrekings, but he's adorned with kingly garments and wields a massive battle ax. He's also standing over a peasant girl and the crowd is urging him to execute her. He decides not to kill her and frees her. After a badly choreographed fight I lost all hope in American television and returned to my run.
So on I shall move to the main topic of my blog entry. I love but absolutely hate Chatty-Kathys. I hate them because they annoy me to no end, especially when it's 7 A.M. and I'm trying to enjoy a delicious breakfast. This hate is canceled out because there is something ultimately intriguing about encountering the species Chatius Kathysis. If you can get past the initial annoyance of these people, you'll find an interactive journey into the mind of someone you don't even know.
Let me explain this further, at first I was annoyed because this girl kept on singing the "Saved by the Bell" theme horribly and incessantly. I was about ready to move to the other room but then I noticed she had a companion with her. They were sitting at about 7 o'clock to my position and they sparked up the conversation about being SPED majors. This brought me to remember my days of working with challenged kids at a public school when I was a senior in high school. They also began talking about love issues and I didn't care for it much because it was pretty stupid from the onset, until a statement made me really think. Here's how it went.
Girl1: so how are things with that guy you like
Girl2: Oh things are ok, but I dunno.
Girl1: Why what's going on?
Girl2: Well he just broke up with his girl friend and he told me that he wants to take a break.
Girl1: Yeah that makes sense.
Girl2: Yeah, boys are so complicated.
This got me to think, are we really complicated? And also, when the hell do we make the transition from being boys to being guys to being men? Is it an age requirement or is it the fact that people are still acting like they are in junior high when it comes to love issues. Also, should we really be factoring in things like love at this point in our lives? Sure, John Mayer talks about love and such, but you know that guy goes through girls like skittles, that's why people become musicians. Let me break this down further. Guys are not complicated, they desire to procreate, eat, sleep and watch UFC/Discovery Channel. However, due to the fact that guys are being raised by women has messed with our DNA, making us seem complicated. I'd like to get into that, but really, you just need to watch Fight Club to get the point of that.
You can now see my point to why I love and hate Chatty-Kathys because while they are annoying at first, their projected voice and inane topics tend to send me into an internal conversation where I'm involved but not really.